Monday, November 6, 2023

Earn Money with Educational Publishing: A free #WritingWorkshop to get you started! #amwriting #writing #teachers

Earn Money with Educational Publishing

Nov 19, 2023, 8 AM PST, 11 AM EST, 4 PM GMT: Online event sponsored by SCBWI International Central.

FREE to SCBWI premium members. A recording will be made available to registered participants.

Do you want to make money from writing? Are you willing and able to write on assignment if given a topic, word count, grade level, and deadline? Then you may be perfect for educational work for hire!  

Chris Eboch, author of over 100 books for children, will provide an overview of Educational Publishing: What is it? Why would you do it? What are the pros and cons? What makes a good work-for-hire writer?

Find out if this work is a good fit for you, and how to get started in the field. Register here.


  1. I couldn't find any way to get into this course through SCBWI or through my email.

    1. Click on the words "Register here" at the end. I just checked and the link works.
