Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Agents Go Indie?

More news on agents and indie publishing:

The Andrea Brown Literary Agency is independently publishing Solstice, a young adult novel by their client P. J. Hoover. The agency calls this “the first front-list novel to be independently published by an Andrea Brown Literary Agency author,” which perhaps implies more to come.
To learn more about this decision, read this interview withPJ on The Spectacle

Another literary agent, Scott Waxman, created DiversionBooks, an online e-publishing house, “to help self-published writers navigate the cyber market.”

An interesting note from the Divergent Books submission guidelines -- fiction authors can submit with a query letter and sample chapter. Nonfiction authors are asked to fill out a form which includes questions about their social networking activities -- their number of Facebook and Twitter followers and the number of monthly visits to their blog -- reinforcing the idea that platform is important for nonfiction.

1 comment:

  1. Writer Beware posted on "Literary Agencies as Publishers: An Accelerating Trend" and warned of potential conflicts of interest.
